According to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Section 55 Par. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty.
The owner of this webpage and responsible person of its content is:
Gunter Hans Heinrich Zimmer (Rechtsanwalt & Solicitor)
32 Corringham Road
London NW11 7BU
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7284 6970
Fax: +44 (0)20 7284 6980
VAT Registration No: GB691371129
Gunter Zimmer (ID No: 154113), Katharina Liebe (ID: 568869) and Clara Bowater (ID 667607) are admitted as Solicitors with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street,
Birmingham, B1 1RN). They are licensed according to Federal German Law and members of the bar associations of Cologne and Munich.
Foteini Lada (ID 736) is admitted as an Advocate within the Kalamata Bar Association and licensed according to Greek Law.
The following are some of the regulations which govern lawyers’ activities in Germany:
• Federal Code for the Legal Profession
• Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers
• Regulations on the Remuneration of Lawyers
• Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union
• Law on the Activity of European Lawyers in Germany
Regulations which govern the lawyers’ activities in Greece are inter alia:
• Code of Lawyers and Code of Conduct for the Legal Profession
These and other relevant regulations can be found under
ZIMMERS Complaints procedure
Our aim in dealing with your complaint and the complaint procedure
We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. It is important to us to learn if the level of our
service does not meet your reasonable expectations, and this will help us improve and maintain our standards.
The firm’s Senior Partner (Gunter Zimmer) has overall responsibility for complaints.
If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details. As set out below and also in our Terms of Service, we have a maximum of eight weeks to consider and respond to your complaint. If we
have not resolved it within this time, you may complaint to the Legal Ombudsman or the Solicitor Regulation Authority (SRA), depending on the nature of your complaint.
Refer to paragraph 8 below for information about how and when to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman or the SRA.
What will happen after you filed your complaint?
Review of this policy
This policy is reviewed annually.
Issue date and version: June 2022, version 1
Owner: Zimmers Solicitors, Gunter H Zimmer
Professional Liability Insurance
Our Professional Liability Insurance is covered by Endurance Worldwide Insurance Ltd.
Content and Copyright of ZIMMERs webpage
The information on this webpage is intended to introduce ZIMMERs, does not contain any legal advice and cannot replace such. Verbal or written information given informally, without a valid
client-solicitor contract, is not binding; nor does visiting the pages or downloading documents constitute a client-solicitor relationship. So far as allowed under the law, we accept no liability
for any damage caused by viewing information and services.
We may use the word “partner” to refer to the owner /equity partner or an employee of the firm with suitable standing and/or qualifications. A reference to a partner may not be taken to imply
that any person is carrying on business with others in partnership for the purposes of the Partnership Act 1890.
We do not guarantee that the information on this website is up-to-date, accurate or complete. The contents of any sites linked to this site are the sole responsibility of their
Copyright for the content of this website or parts thereof belongs to solicitor Zimmer or whoever has given Mr Zimmer the right to use his or her information.
Individual pages of this website may be downloaded, temporarily saved and printed for the use of your company alone.
Any other reproduction, transfer or distribution of any of the content of this website, especially downloading, saving and printing, is forbidden unless expressly allowed by Mr Zimmer.
Data Protection
The use of this website is normally possible without giving any personal information. Personal information such as name, address or email address are only recorded if you submit these to us voluntarily, for example by using the Contact Us form. Without your express permission we will not pass your personal details on to any third party. You have the right at any time to be told what personal information we hold, to have them erased or changed. Please contact the person responsible for the website for this purpose.